Over 100 Concurrent Sessions
We are thrilled to be able to feature over 100 concurrent sessions this year! We’ve arranged the sessions into tracks to help you decide which sessions to attend.
- Tools
- Teaching & Learning
- Articifical Intelligence (AI)
- eSports
- Professional
- Careers & Entrepreneurship
- IT
- Accessibility
We have also added a dedicated “Vendor Track” for exhibitors and sponsors to showcase and demonstrate their products.
Here’s a look at all of the sessions at a glance:
Esports accessibility.
In this presentation we will cover accessibility in esports through the difficulties these present and the ways we rise to overcome them.
Ethan Hayes
Head Coach of Esports
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Breaking Down Silos: Automate, Standardize, and Secure Your District
Siloed processes and departments frustrate parents, complicate work for staff, and inhibit learning for students. Come learn and discuss how ClassLink helps districts and schools standardize processes across all divisions – operationally, instructionally, and technically, to strengthen learning!
Zach Sheppard
Sr Sales Engineer
Game-Based Learning for the Science Classroom
Experience the thrill of game-based learning with Sci-Ops: Global Defense! Transform your classroom with our NSF award-winning video game that teaches 6th-12th grade science standards. Engage and excite your students by incorporating our video game and curricular resources. Gain access today!
Jenny Savage
Customer Success Specialist
Plasma Games
The engagement enchilada
What is a great recipe for creating engaging learning?
Join Randolph as he guides us on a journey through the engagement tools in Brightspace:
Streamline processes
Provide automated feedback
Use the powerful Content tools to create Engagement
The whole enchilada!
Randolph Streich
Senior Solutions Engineer
Safer Schools and Cities Through Smart Technologies
Enhance the student and faculty experience with smart campus technologies. Physical safety, mobility & connectivity, sustainability, hybrid learning and a myriad of other challenges are impacting educational institutions. Learn how Smart Techologies address these challenges.
Mike Cannon
Executive Advisor, Smart Technologies
Networking For Future, Inc (NFF)
Social, Emotional & Behavioral Assessment: The Missing Piece to Your MTSS Success?
Educators are feeling more pressure than ever to raise student achievement and growth, but despite their best efforts some students don’t seem to respond to academic interventions. Learn why we need to move beyond academics and into a whole-child approach to teaching & learning, and how to start.
Mindy Brinson
Account Manager – West Virginia
Designing An Effective Rubric to Evaluate your Teaching
Designing and using rubrics for evaluating teaching is an important tool that can help to improve the quality of teaching, promote student learning, and support teacher professional development. The presentation discuss how to identify criteria to evaluate and improve your teaching.
Sally Ayob
Instructional designer
BEC and Beyond: Solving the Email Security Problem in Education
This session will provide both quantitative and qualitative information about the most dangerous email attacks targeting Education today. Attendees will learn about the latest threats and how BEC, phishing, and malware attacks have increased over the past few years.
Christopher McCall
Director, SLED US
Abnormal Security
The New Interactive Geologic Map of West Virginia
The West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey has recently produced a new and long-awaited interactive Geologic Map of West Virginia! Come and see what this map has and how to explore it. Perhaps explore some similar maps that may be of interest. Incorporate in your lesson plans!
John Bocan
GIS Programmer/Analyst II
West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WV Department of Commerce)
Delivering on the Key Promises of Smarter School Buildings While Spending Less
Participants will walk through a framework for obtaining the benefits of the right smart building solution for their goals, be they about lowering costs, improving student outcomes, bolstering security, raising student and staff well-being, or all four.
Drew Deatherage
Co-Founder, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Crux Solutions
Considerations for an Enterprise HyFlex Implementation
We will share findings from our study of a HyFlex pilot project that involved 11 faculty from 5 colleges this past semester. We will offer recommendations to others thinking about scaling HyFlex on their own campus and share are plan for future implementation at Marshall.
Julia Spears
Assistant Provost of Online Education and Certification
Marshall University
Fairmont State University Geospatial Lab: Creating a modern GIS lab amidst the pandemic from design to implementation
The Fairmont State University Geospatial Lab in the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) was designed as a campus and community geospatial hub with a focus on multidisciplinary collaboration and outreach. Creating a modern GIS lab amidst the pandemic from design to implementation, projects, and pedagogy.
barbara maclennan
Assistant Professor of Geogrpahy
Fairmont State University
Humanizing Online Course Experiences Through Quality Frameworks and Management
We will explore the ways that we have humanized the course experience for our instructors and students, we will share the innovative ideas and processes (as well as the challenges we face), and we’ll share the plans for our next layer of engagement and connection with our instructors and students.
Michele Korgeski
Instructional Designer
College of Applied Human Sciences at West Virginia University
The Future for Higher Ed IT
The future for higher education starts with institutions; Universities and colleges across the globe are consistently adopting new technologies, breaking through barriers of student learning, and applying new advancements to enhance the student experience. We see all of this firsthand.
Nick Johnson
ChatGPT: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
This presentation will be centered on the growing use of artificial intelligence in educational settings. It will cover practical uses, problems that educators have encountered, and solutions to these problems. The focus will be on the program ChatGPT, or the next new AI to take its place.
Melisa Reed
Marshall University
Dos and Don'ts to Outfitting Your Esports Program
We will examine the best practices for building a space for your esports program, including what hardware to consider, how to repurpose existing resources, and answer common questions about where to start and how to expand a multipurpose esports facility.
Josh Knutson
Esports & VR Solutions Director
Rev up STEAM learning with the indi robot
The indi’s design is geared towards early learners. Indi encourages open-ended, imaginative play-based learning with real-life scenarios as learners build custom mazes, solve puzzles, and drive. Come explore, take them for a spin, and see how you can use indi with your students.
Mel Thornhill
Technology Facilitator
Kanawha County Schools
Journey Through The Online Student Experience Project
This is an overview of an ongoing project that will be completed before July. In this presentation, we will outline our findings, methodologies, and processes that we implemented to streamline the online student experience.
Cody Hall
IT Systems Integrations Specialists
Marshall University
Financial Privacy -The Impact of Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) on Higher Education
This presentation will cover how IT and Financial Aid can work together to build a privacy program that complies with the GLBA Safeguard Rule to protect student and parent financial information. This includes documenting controls needed to mitigate threats to personal information.
Cynthia Boehmer
Wolf & Co.
Vocabulary to the Academic Rescue…. through quality and interactive technology
This session will provide you with numerous quality examples of vocabulary instruction using technology. Direct student feedback and a list of the interactive technology activities will be provided.
Mindy Allenger Prewitt
Literacy Education Faculty
Marshall University
Fashion Design X Engineering: A collaboration built through innovative classroom pedagogy
WVU FDM students across our Fashion Design track were challenged to explore and incorporate technology that is offered in the Engineering College’s Innovation Hub into their final fashion design projects.
Colleen Moretz
West Virginia University
Coping with chemistry labs – on managing 2500 students
I introduce a management system for use with large laboratory courses (assessment/attendance/grading etc.) that we are developing. It was created because other Learning Management Systems don’t quite fit the bill.
Mark Tinsley
Teaching Associate Professor
Weat Virginia University
Modern Technology Allows for Hands-on Lab Experiences in Online Classes
One of the major limitations of the science online laboratory is limited hands-on experience. The presentation will include multiple examples of the innovative hands-on activities presented in the online Anatomy and Physiology science classes at WVNCC.
Natalia Omelchenko
Assistant Professor
Bridging the Gap: Belongingness within Online Learning
Convenience and flexibility are strong suits of online learning, but the major pitfall is creating a sense of belonging and intimate communication. Sure, discussion boards and other chat room tools baked within the LMS may satisfy quality initiatives, but we can strive for much more.
Chase Lucas
Instructional Designer
Marshall University
HyFlex Pilot Experience at Marshall U
A Faculty member and Instructional Designer share experiences on being a part of a HyFlex Pilot. We’ll follow the call for pilot faculty, preparing the HyFlex classroom and the content. We’ll walk through the student feedback, attendance options, assessment, and our thoughts on the future of HyFlex.
Diana Adams
Senior Instructional Designer
Marshall University
Use of GIS for Municipal Elections in Morgantown, WV
This presentation will cover geospatial technology aiding in two distinct aspects of the municipal election process: the process to balance districts based on multiple criteria and managing the election before, during, and after Election Day.
Marvin Davis
GIS Analyst
City of Morgantown
Negativity nightmares: Dealing with Difficult People
We all deal with people that are difficult. In this talk we will cover what makes them difficult and offer some tips and hints for dealing with difficult people. We will end the session by developing a personal action plan for how we will deal with these situations as leaders.
Melanie Page
Associate Vice President for Creative and Scholarly Activity
West Virginia University
Are You Seeking Strategies to Engage Virtual Learners?
Consider evolving, quarantine-informed best practices to improve virtual teaching and learning for educators and students. Strategies to prepare learners, share resources, vary activities, engage/assess students, and use breakouts will be discussed along with the technologies needed to support them.
Lisa Heaton
Marshall University
Argos BOF
I would like to lead a birds of a feather (BOF) about Argos. This gives schools the opportunity to get together to disks best practices and share ideas with each other.
James Fauver
Chief Student Systems Officer & Institutional Research
BridgeValley CTC
CRM Recruit: From Discussion to Go Live
BridgeValley is currently bring CRM Recruit up. We go live in March of 2023. This presentation gives an overview of the process.
James Fauver
Chief Student Systems Officer & Institutional Research
BridgeValley CTC
How I Became a Character Concept Artist at Riot Games
The presentation will describe my educational and career journeys that lead me to become a character concept artist on League of Legends for Riot Games. I will also be glad to answer any questions about how West Virginia educators can assist students in this career path.
Rachael Cross
Character Concept Artist
Riot Games
Student use and perception of flexibile format learning
An overview of implementation and perception of Hyflex technology to provide remote and in-person options for rural students in Behavorial Science classrooms to fully engage in the classroom experience, and prepare for health promotion careers in communities that use remote health.
barbara maclennan
Assistant Professor of Geography
Fairmont State University, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Behavorial Sciences
How Design Skills and a Design Mindset Improves Learning with Less Cost.
In a world full of templates, implementing design in creating original content enhances learning, lowers costs, and is a brand-building differentiation. This talk will encourage you to use design along with advancing technologies to improve learning. Be prepared to break the mold.
Chris Ingersoll
Professor of Advertising and Design
Marshall University
Transferable Skills for Gen Z in the Workplace
To succeed in the digital world, Gen Z needs to master a broad range of computer science skills including communication, cloud computing, programming, online safety, typing, and productivity software. Let’s talk about what it will take to get them workplace ready -with Learning.com’s content library
Nicasia Caires
WV State Program Manager
Mountain State Digital Literacy Program: Ensuring Equity in Digital Literacy and Computer Science
Did you know how many WV districts implement Learning.com to equip students for success in a digital world? The Mountain State ESC partners with Learning.com to provide free access to a comprehensive digital literacy and computer science program for K-8 public schools. Come learn how to get started!
Nicasia Caires
WV State Program Manager, Learning.com
Online Learning in West Virginia
This presentation is an update of plans shared last year, the current status of those plans, new innovations and programs on the horizon, and an opportunity for participants to ask questions about online learning in WV.
Lucy Kefauver
Director of Online Learning
WV Higher Education Policy Commission
Connecting WV to the World an Update from WVNET's Telecommunications Group
Learn more about the operations, challenges, and lessons learned in managing the state’s government and education broadband network from the WVNET Telecommunications Group.
Jason Chastain
Assistant Manager – Telecommunications
Topic: Ransomware Survival – Do NOT Pay
There is no bigger threat to the technology landscape than ransomware. In this session, Veeam will present some key tips and tricks to survive your next ransomware incident and techniques to prepare and advise on how to respond to a ransomware incident.
Bruce Pellegrino
Sr. Systems Engineer
Veeam Software
What are Digital Badges and How Can I Earn One?
Digital badges are showing up in e-mail signatures, CVs, resumes, and on job sites, but what exactly are digital badges? How can I earn one and how might it help me in my professional practice? In this presentation you will learn the answers to these questions and more.
Valerie Morphew
Fairmont State University
AI: New Horizons in Academic Dishonesty
AI chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT) and AI translation software (e.g. Google Translate) have massive potential for academic dishonesty. This session will provide specific examples of what the output of each looks like, and how they interact with tools such as plagiarism checkers.
William Beasley
West Virginia University
Engage Students with Creative and Collaborative Opportunities
Create digital projects, brainstorm/organize ideas, participate in interactive lessons/assessments, and collaborate using cloud-based tools. Applications like Book Creator, Canva, Jamboard, Pear Deck, Blooket, and Google Drive/Docs will be featured with opportunities for audience interaction.
Catherine Nwosu
Elementary Teacher
Prince George's County Public Schools, Md
Helping Students Remove Barriers of Accessibility & Affordability in West Virginia
There are many good reasons to consider adopting affordable or free alternatives to traditional textbooks; however, improving equity of access may be the #1 factor for WV teachers and students.
Monica Brooks
Marshall University
Instructional Technology: Higher Education VS K-12 – Similarities & Differences
Students transitioning from K-12 to higher education deal with so many changes, including how instructional technology is used by teachers. This presentation will discuss the similarities and differences in these two settings as well as how we can make the transition more smooth for students.
Janalee Thorn
Mathematics/Computer Science Teacher
Monongalia County Schools
What's it Like to Earn a Master's Degree in Instructional Design & Technology
This session will feature current graduate students and recent graduates of the Instructional Design & Technology graduate program discussing their experience in the program.
Alexander Keefover
Instructional Designer
West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing
eSports Panel Discussion
This is a panel discussion about the growing field of competitive eSports. The panel will be asked to discuss this emerging field and what opportunities it provides to West Virginia’s students, schools, and economic development.
WVSTC Moderator
Brightspace Birds of a Feather
This session will feature Brightspace administrators discussing the fairly recent adoption of D2L’s learning management system. Successes, challenges, tips, future plans, and more will be discussed. This session would be great for administrators thinking of adopting Brightspace.
Alexander Keefover
Instructional Designer
West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing
IT Troubleshooting: Getting to the best solution as soon as possible.
Remember when we had paper maps? Learn some IT navigation to support yourself, your colleagues, and your students. We’ll cover a few key steps helpful in reducing distraction to get to a solution, then we’ll go over three short case studies of linear troubleshooting.
Gustavo DeLaFuerza
Banner DBA
Creating Your Professional Development/Teaching Portfolio
Do you have an electronic portfolio or are you thinking about creating one? In this session, we will explore some core elements and value of a development portfolio. We will review sample teaching portfolios and explore a tool called Portfolium that can be used for this purpose.
Tracey Beckley
Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning
West Virginia University
Bringing Context to Content in K12 Classroom
In this session, participants will use free, industry-standard, digital mapping tools to learn to develop a context for their classroom content. Activities presented are standards-based, cross-discipline, inquiry-oriented, and geography-infused. Datasets and digital maps lead to engaged students.
Erika Klose
Coordinator, CS and Science
The Next Step Within Esports
Listeners will learn about esports and how it can benefit students’ future career paths. Esports has grown greatly over the years and it’s easy to list over 100 different jobs within esports. With most of them not having to deal with playing games.
Austin Clay
Esports Director
Concord University
Finding a Balance between Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching Techniques
Synchronous learning allows for face to face interaction.
Asynchronous learning has flexibility; learn at your own pace. Each teaching style produces a balance by meeting the needs of the student while promoting popularity and accessibility that in turn create favorable student outcomes.
Lana Andrean
Psychology Professor
BridgeValley Community & Technical College
Quality Design when Quality Matters, "That is a Wicked Course!"
This session will be presenting a community college’s coordinated effort to apply effective solutions to course content and content delivery challenges through Design Thinking practices using Quality Matters Standards for continuous course improvement.
Rachel Beach
Assistant Professor of Applied Design
Pierpont Community & Technical College
Engaging Students with Nearpod
Nearpod can serve several educational purposes with its ability to deliver instruction, engage students in interactive activities, provide differentiation, and collect data. Join this session and BYOD to interact live with Nearpod’s variety of features and learn more about free resources for PD.
Colette Burgess
4th Grade Teacher
Kanawha County Schools
Play Higher: Using Virtual Reality to Engage Students in Career Pipelines
Play Higher: Behavioral Health is a virtual reality game that aims to educate 8th – 12th-graders about the career of behavioral health social work. This presentation will provide audience members with a chance to learn about the game experience and consider adopting it for use in their setting.
Dr. Megan Gandy
Play Higher Project Director, Associate Professor, and BSW Program Coordinator
West Virginia University School of Social Work
Technology – Innovation through Commercialization
This session will discuss the Morris L. Hayhurst LaunchLab work to help innovators find the resources necessary to move towards commercialization. We hold trainings, pitch competitions, networking events, and other types of trainings in order to start businesses, license technology, & create jobs.
Carrie White
Executive Director, Morris L. Hayhurst LaunchLab
West Virginia University
Information Systems Management and the use of Cloud Computing in the classroom
What is Information Systems and what is Cloud Computing? What free or low-cost cloud computing resources are available for use in my Classroom? This presentation will answer these questions and provide you with the resources you need to explore these topics in your courses.
Clifton Jackson
Fairmont State University
Micro-Credentials: Rewarding MICRO Learning
Learn how Jefferson County Schools leveraged a micro-credential program created by cross-functioning teams to provide financial incentive to staff in both professional and service classifications. Topics of the micro-credentials included: cultural proficiency, trauma, and self-care.
Jennifer Rowan
Director of Transportation
Jefferson County Schools
Improving Student Engagement Through Course Design
As schools continue to utilize hybrid and online education following the COVID-19 pandemic, close attention must be paid to the quality of the learning experience for students. Through intentional course design, students will be more engaged, will actively participate, and be more successful.
Andrea Bucklew
Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Alderson Broaddus University
Let me see everyone's plate!: Keeping Youth Engaged Through Virtual Cooking
This program will demonstrate the physical tools and virtual skills needed to successfully teach a statewide youth cooking class including ways including global education in addition to cooking/baking skills. I will give a mini-lesson to show the tools such as light rings, phone tripods, and more.
Alexandra Coffman
WVU Extension Assistant Professor (4-H Agent)
West Virginia University
Maximizing Student Engagement in Online Learning
Learner engagement doesn’t naturally happen in online courses. You must plan for it in your course design. This session presents current theory and trends related to learner engagement as well as strategies for improving learner engagement no matter the audience.
Merilee Madera
Director of Distance Education
West Liberty University
Country Roads Coaches
Whether it’s in the classroom or board room, our goal is to bring together like-minded professionals in WV who are using Apple products to crowd source best practices and solve problems.
Maggie Fisher
Technology Systems Specialist
Tyler County Schools
Inbox Zero
Unruly email inboxes can be a black hole for important messages. Take on the daunting task of managing your email with some hands-on approaches using filters, rules, and other simple controls.
Maggie Fisher
Technology Systems Specialist
Tyler County Schools
Banner Birds of a Feather
Come together and share experiences with other Banner users and technical support staff from around the state! Led by a core of WVNET’s Banner support staff, both functional and technical, this panel discussion gives attendees a chance to ask burning questions, share ideas, and chat!
J.R. Farley
Senior Database Administrator – Team Lead
Mountaineer Farm Talk: An Innovation in Research-Based Agriculture Information Delivery
MFT -a weekly live broadcast featuring interviews with ag and natural resources experts about timely topics to rural West Virginia. Using the ZOOM platform and creating a social media profile linked to the weekly broadcasts. https://www.facebook.com/MountaineerFarmTalk
Brandy Brabham
Extension Agent & Associate Professor
West Virginia University Extension Service
Using and Abusing ChatGPT in the Classroom
This presentation will examine the use and abuse of the ChatGPT language model in university classes.
Billy Gardner
Associate Professor of Cyber Forensics and Security
Marshall University
Teaching Database Skills using Google Cloud Services
This presentation involves demonstrating in detail how to set up and use Google Cloud Services to provide students with their own database environments to demonstrate database skills. The process for applying for grants as well as setting up the database environment will be demonstrated.
Gary Edwards
Faculty Associate
Fairmont State university
7 Reasons to Love Wakelet
If you have not discovered Wakelet, yet, this session will give a brief overview of the best reasons to love this app. Wakelet is a curation tool with so many uses both in and out of the classroom. If you ever have to pull together a collection of resources to share, come see how Wakelet can help!
Tia Miller
ELA Teacher/Dept. Chair
Chapmanville Regional High School
Building CS Foundations with LEGO Education
Join us for this fun, hands-on learning experience with LEGO Education to explore how you can easily incorporate creativity, inquiry and collaboration across the curriculum to build important foundations for student learning in computer science.
Alysha Romain
Account Manager
LEGO Education
ChatGPT and AI
How will artificial intelligence and tools like ChatGPT impact education and the workforce? What implications does the use of AI in our daily lives have for the future?
WVSTC Moderator
The Future of Technology in Higher Education
A panel discussion on the the future of technology in higher education.
WVSTC Moderator
Working From Home While Having a Personal Life – Is It Possible?
Working from home requires many forms of technology, as do our personal lives, so how do we maintain a balance between the two? This question and more will be discussed in this session. Also, tools and tips for having a healthy remote work-life balance will be presented.
Alexander Keefover
Instructional Designer
West Virginia Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System
EdTech Integration, Content & Professional Development
Our presentation will focus on STEAM, Virtual and Augmented Reality, eSports, Lu Interactive, Filtering, Google Classroom Management, and a wide array of various classroom instruction and learning technologies.
Hilary Ramsey
Teaching & Learning Consultant
Advantage Technology
Using Hiration and Handshake into Students Pathways!
Will submit in PowerPoint slides. (Talked to Barb)
Susan Rodriguez
Director of Career Services
Fairmont State University
Learning Inside and Outside the Brain
An exploration of Whole Brain® Model and the book The Extended Mind: the Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul.
Lydia Mong
Senior Instructional Designer
West Virginia University
Generational Challenges and Opportunities: It’s not only Gen Z
Considerations for teaching and learning approaches across generations.
Lydia Mong
Senior Instructional Designer
West Virginia University
It’s the Little Things: Practices that make your text-based materials more accessible
Easy accessibility actions for text-based class materials that anyone can do.
Lydia Mong
Senior Instructional Designer
West Virginia University
ACSL: helping K-12 students study computer science
ACSL (American Computer Science League) is an international computer science competition. Students at Morgantown High School have found it a great way to study computer science, as the competition provides both a knowledge base and motivation to learn.
Shawn Li
Morgantown High School Computer Science Club
Show What You Know – Assessing with Digital Projects and Products
Students can “show what they know” in a variety of creative ways using digital tools to create digital projects and products. Increase students’ motivation and engagement in any subject by assessing knowledge and understanding in new and creative ways – videos, podcasts, infographics, and more.
Nellie Cottle
Technology Integration Specialist
Peterstown PK-8 School – Monroe County WV
Google Tools for in person and online learning
Practical Strategies to use Google to support your classroom instruction in person or online. Tips and tricks on how to assess student learning, communicate with parents, assess student well-being, and leveralge digital tools to increase student and classroom engagement.
Chrystalle Doyle
Coordinator of Technology
Mason County Schools
4 Reasons to Integrate your Asset Management and Help Desk Software
Managing your school district’s technology needs can get overwhelming fast. You’re juggling devices for students, staff, and even individual locations. Help
requests come in daily because, let’s face it, kids drop things. The secret is in the integration.
Brian Hinson
Director of Sales and Marketing
One to One Plus
Virtual Realilty in the Classroom: Going Beyond a Passive Experience
Learn how schools can implement virtual reality in all content areas to increase student engagement. We will discuss how we have used Pico and ClassVR headsets to expand our students’ access to experiences and discover a new way to present information.
Callie Daugherty
Technology Integration Specialist
Wirt County Schools
Making Computer Science Accessible for Students in 9th – 12th Grade
In this workshop, learn how middle and high schools in West Virginia can build a computer science program that is accessible to all levels of learners through career exploration, skill building, and student-driven lessons.
Callie Daugherty
Technology Integration Specialist
Wirt County Board of Education
Technology is an Everchanging Adventure in the K12 World!
This presentation will be an informal round table discussion about successes and problems in the technology world of K12. The audience for this presentation is WV Technology Directors and Technology System Specialists.
Bobbie Tuggle
Technology Director
Monroe County Schools
Empowering Young Leaders in the K12 Workplace
Facebook posts about Millennials and Gen Zers paint a picture that they are lazy, incompetent, or flat out refuse to work. But what is the real story? GenZ and Millennials want an authentic culture and workplace where they are truly valued and given tasks of importance, especially in education.
Zach Anderson
Project AWARE Coordinator
Logan County Schools
Wireless Deployment for Apple Devices
In this session we will discuss proper Wi-Fi design and the tenets of the Wireless LAN Lifecycle. Broken into four components, the Wireless LAN Lifecycle includes defining the purpose of the network, designing the network to meet the definition, and deploying the network.
Jeff Webb
Systems Engineer
Teaching Technology to Littles: What are You Doing?
A discussion of how and what schools/teachers are doing to teach technology and computer skills at the elementary school level. What resources are being used? What devices are being utilized? Does your school have actual technology classes or is technology simply integrated into regular classrooms?
Theresa Cross
Teacher/Technology Integration Specialist/Technology Coordinator
Wirt County Primary Center
Centers for Special Education
I will present on the type of websites/apps that I include in the rotation of center learning for my resource classroom for students with dyslexia, ADHD, and learning disabilities.
Brandi Keaton
Special Education Teacher
Wirt County Primary Center
Going Paperless with PowerAutomate
Reduce the amount of paperwork in your county and school office. Everything from approvals to time sheets to travel requests.
Mark Moore
West Virginia Department of Education
What's the deal with Minecraft?
Hear why Mark Moore thinks that Minecraft is a phenomenon that cannot be classified in any other category. Minecraft Education Edition has tools fantastic tools to teach chemistry including the ability to create any element on the periodic table. It can be used to teach simple and complex math.
Mark Moore
West Virginia Department of Education
AR Makr – A Great (FREE) Entry Option for Augmented Reality in the Classroom
Participants in this session are encouraged to bring an iPad with the AR Makr app installed. We’ll explore the basics of the app and work together to create AR scenes during the session. I’ll provide options for images so everyone has time to design their own scene.
Derek Oldfield
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Berkeley County Schools
What's new in Office 365
New features, new meeting tools, new productivity tools.
Mark Moore
WV Department of Education
Digital Collaboration Ideas, Tips & Tricks
This session is full of teacher collaboration ideas, tips, and tricks that make collaboration with any age, from adults to elementary, a snap. Kami will be featured, but the concepts can be implemented without it.
Margie Tiner
Curriculum & Technology Coach
Level Up Sophie
WV HS eSports League
Growing eSports in WV
Scott Vogelsong
Teacher, eSports Coach
Greenbrier East High School
Technology Hits & Misses the 2nd Inning: What is and isn't Working in the Classroom
The session will be an audience discussion of experiences (good & bad) with software, hardware and technology related projects in K-12 classrooms. Share your experiences or just attend and learn from others. Offered again at the request of last year’s conference attendees.
Theresa Cross
Technology Integration Specialist/Teacher
Wirt County Primary Center
Working with ADHD
Attend this session to learn anecdotes about the ADHD brain, and how that relates to AS and Executive Dysfunction. We’ll go over some tips and tricks that may help students and professionals dealing with ADHD, along with suggestions for teachers and managers.
Gustavo DeLaFuerza
Banner DBA
Reimagining your required reading: How digital makes a difference
Discover how ebooks and audiobooks can help support your school’s unique curriculum needs. From ELA favorites to digital class sets and more, let OverDrive Account Executive Christa Taylor fill you in on how the Sora reading app can help set your students up for required reading success.
Christa Taylor
Account Executive
Sora, by OverDrive Education
Growing eSports in WV (on a budget)
How to network and build a West Virginia High School League
Scott Vogelsong
Greenbrier East High School
Graspable Math
Graspable Math allows students to experiment with tangible equations, engage in playful math thinking, and practice and explore safely. Algebra can come to life with Graspable Math.
Derek Oldfield
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Berkeley County Schools
PolyPad – The Ultimate Math Playground
This presentation will explore the rich and FREE world of Polypad. Teachers will learn how to support their math learners with the world’s best digital manipulatives. We’ll use Polypad’s canvas to complete activities, talk about instructional moves, and share how your learners can use Polypad.
Derek Oldfield
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Berkeley County Schools
Canva – A Creative Project for All Grade Levels & Content Areas
We believe technology can amplify learning in ways that lead to long term retention. We also believe technology can transform learning in ways that were previously not possible. This presentation will cover a variety of creative activities students can complete inside Canva.
Derek Oldfield
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Berkeley County Schools