Conference Sessions
Conference Sessions
Tuesday, July 19
9:00 am - 9:50 am
Regular Session
Leading Students and taking them to the next level with Certiport Industry Certifications
Logan Staab
Looking for innovative ways to implement Microsoft certifications and increase student engagement in the classroom? Join us to discuss new and exciting ways to get students on a pathway to certification. We will dive into curriculum resources to prepare students, pacing guides, projects and activities to increase student engagement and reporting to track your students’ progress and help with grades.
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Certification Exams
9:00 am - 9:50 am
Regular Session
ACCESS UNLOCKED TO THE VIDEO GAME OF SCIENCE: Increase engagement, save teachers’ time, and improve STEM.
Mike Tuggle
Bring your laptop and Join us for a hands-on epic adventure with Plasma Games. In this session we will provide you access to our platform which includes a one-of-a-kind video game, STEM career spotlights, a teacher portal full of curriculum resources, and free professional development.
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Literacy and Pedagogy
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Regular Session
What’s New from Apple Education for IT
Apple Education
Learn about the latest education tools and resources from Apple. Discover new iOS, macOS, and tvOS features for education. Learn how Apple School Manager can simplify and streamline deployment.
Read MoreAudience: Higher Education and K-12
Topic Area(s): Technical
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Regular Session
Using Registration Self Service Plan Ahead with Degree Works Plans
Senta Chmiel
Special thanks to Stephanie Gabor and Emma Coa-Mulzet for helping to put together the presentation. Utilizing Degree Works plans for registration can enable students to be successful in their college journey. This presentation will review how to build templates in Degree Works for advisors to create academic plans from that contain the requirements the student needs to graduate from their respective programs. Students/Advisors can pull these degree works academic plans into the “class schedule” plans they build in Plan Ahead in Self Service Registration and select the courses (and/or sections) they plan to register for. From these plans students can…
Read MoreAudience: Higher Education
Topic Area(s): Apps
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Regular Session
Authentic Communication Development for Leaders
Shaan Rais
During the first 15 minutes Shaan Rais will engage the crowd colorfully in vivid descriptions of what true authenticity is and how it translates to effective communication in the workspace. Humorously detailing examples of success and failure through storytelling. The audience will laugh, relate, and let their guard down to learning as rapport is established. _x000D_ _x000D_ During the second segment of the keynote, 15 minutes will be strategically utilized to personalize authenticity to each leaders’ personal brand. Many people are under the assumption that true authenticity exists separate and apart from their true identity and story. Nothing could be…
Read MoreAudience: Government, Higher Education, and Non-Profit
Topic Area(s): Communication, Leadership, and Management and Leadership
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Regular Session
Designing a Story Based Virtual Math Night
John Carper
This presentation will explore my process of designing and creating a virtual math night for K-2 that was based on Chris Van Allsburg’s book, Jumanji. We will discuss my design process and how I created it using Bitmoji, Garage Band, Google Forms, Google Sites, iMovie, and Keynote.
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Math and Pedagogy
12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
Regular Session
Writing across the Curriculum: An Innovative Approach
Michelle Burk
Students must be able to communicate clearly at all levels of education. Both written and oral communication are critical to student success in the classroom. These skills are necessary for college and career readiness. In this session, we will follow the Apple Innovation in Schools model to increase engagement and personalize the writing process across the curriculum.
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Pedagogy
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Build a Digitally Responsive Educational Organization for Effective Digital-Age Learning
Andrea Tejedor, Eric Pederson
Discover how to chart a guided pathway to digital agility. Explore ways to build support for your organization’s mission and vision through dialogue and collaboration. The main objective of the session is to delve into a nine-part framework for digital responsiveness that empowers administrators to: • Enhance institutional capacity for innovation • Exploit the full potential of digital technologies and interactive learning content • Assess engagement with digital learning and digital pedagogies • Enable all stakeholders to competently design, implement, and appraise programs, projects, and initiatives for the integration of digital learning technologies The COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the historic…
Read MoreAudience: Government, Higher Education, K-12, and Non-Profit
Topic Area(s): Digital Learning and Leadership
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Regular Session
Complete that Degree- Using WVROCKS!
Lucy Kefauver
This interactive presentation will include information on West Virginia’s Climb, a commitment to achieve 60% college completion by 2030, and how WVROCKS can contribute to reaching that goal. WVROCKS’ history, organization, and the process for participation will be included. After attending this session, it is hopeful that participants will be able to share information about degree completion through WVROCKS with their institutional stakeholder groups.
Read MoreAudience: Higher Education
Topic Area(s): Distance Learning
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Regular Session
Migration to Oracle Cloud
Steven White, Scott Hofer, James Farley
Discussion on the effort and experiences of moving to the Oracle Cloud.
Read MoreAudience: Government, Higher Education, and Non-Profit
Topic Area(s): Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle
3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Regular Session
Supporting Digital Equity with Digital Literacy & Coding
Nicasia Caires, Kevin Combs
West Virginia has elevated the primacy of digital literacy for students of all ages and all backgrounds. Join Learning.com to discuss the “must-have” critical skills that prepare students for a digital world, to succeed in school and the workplace. We’ll discuss what these fundamental skills are – information literacy, keyboarding, computational thinking, coding and more – and how we can keep it a focus, even during today’s challenging educational landscape. Learning.com will share how our EasyTech and EasyCode solutions can support educators in building ALL students’ future-ready digital skills, as well as key, actionable steps for developing a successful technology-prepared…
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Coding and Digital Literacy
Wednesday, July 20
8:00 am - 8:50 am
Roundtable Session
Getting Started with the Certiport and Microsoft Statewide Program
Logan Staab
Whether you are new to the program or want a refresher, join your Certiport Deployment Manager for a complete overview of the Certiport and Microsoft Imagine Academy statewide program. Discussion will include how to use the Microsoft Imagine Academy Curriculum to prepare your students and deliver certifications in your computer lab.
Read MoreAudience: K-12
Topic Area(s): Certification Exams